Think back to your childhood. Remember your best girlfriend in all the world? Remember the promise "Friends Forever?" No matter what, you would always be there for each other. Through thick and thin, you're best friends. But in today's fast-paced society it is easy to take life and friends for granted. Life's accomplishments seem to be judged and rewarded by the big checkmark on the almighty "To Do List" of life: laundry, groceries, work, schedules, family, daycare, school, sports . . . and the list goes on and on.
Women are tender, fun-loving, and relational by nature. Not only do we acknowledge our need for one another, but we tend to revel in it as we share in a sacred dance of motherhood, daughterhood, sisterhood, and friendship.
The Divine Stories of the Yahweh Sisterhood is a spiritual journey towards a closer relationship with God and the special women in your life. This book contains all the beauty and power of a delightful group hug. Its pages are filled with heartwarming stories from women around the world told from each woman's own, unique point of view. So, get ready for the time of your life as you enjoy the powerful, funny, and sometimes tearful stories in The Divine Stories of the Yahweh Sisterhood! Remember . . . Friends Forever!
Each chapter features heart-warming and humorous stories from women around the world and is followed by additional “godly goodies” to help you advance in your spiritual journey.
Divine Stories of the Yahweh Sisterhood was A Family Christian Bookstores Premier Pick in 2006.