Secrets of Happiness

A 60-Day Devotional for the Inner You

Even the Declaration of Independence encourages the "pursuit of happiness" — so why are so many Americans unhappy? Perhaps we're chasing the wrong kind of happiness. While many see physical beauty, wealth, good health, and plenty of friendships as the source of happiness, author Michelle Medlock Adams suggests a different plan, one guaranteed to satisfy the honest seeker. The sixty devotional readings in Secrets of Happiness offer encouragement and affirmation to women ages 25 to 45, pointing them to the one source of lasting joy and contentment — God Himself. This two-month "course in happiness" could have eternal benefits!

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About the Book

The sixty devotional readings in Secrets of Happiness offer encouragement and affirmation to women, pointing them to the one source of lasting joy and contentment — God Himself.

Author: Michelle Medlock Adams
Tag: For Women
Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Publication Year: 2006
Format: Paperback
Length: 192 pages
ASIN: 1597893900
ISBN: 1597893900
List Price: 4.97
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