Why I Trust You, God

Children learn to love reading when they equate it with special time with their parents, with sharing and showing loving attention. Reading encourages language development and concept recognition. When parents read about God, very young children associate the love they receive from their parents with the love of God for His children through Christ Jesus. They learn to associate the words they hear with the presence of God in their lives.

Children at this age are in the here and now. They are fully aware of what is right in front of them and are only beginning to use their imaginations. In this book, text and illustration work together to show God in concrete terms.

Why I Trust You, God teaches the child to recognize God's power and to believe His promises of forgiveness and salvation.

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About the Book

Ideal for children ages 2 and up.

Author: Michelle Medlock Adams
Series: Why I ___ You, God Series
Tag: Board Books
Publisher: Concordia Publishing House
Publication Year: 2006
Format: Board book
Length: 20 pages
Illustrator: Nancy Munger
ASIN: 0758609132
ISBN: 0758609132
List Price: 5.99
This book is a simply written and beautifully illustrated children's book. Provides an important message for children to learn at an early age....why they should trust God in all things.
– Sylvia B., Amazon Review
This quick read shows parents and children that God can be trusted. The lilting rhyme will put children's minds at ease.
– WriterMama92, Amazon Review
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