Wonderfully Made

Devotional Thoughts on Becoming a Beautiful Woman of God

God’s Word has much to say to women about our importance and worth. Wonderfully Made offers biblical encouragement about true beauty, confidence, and happiness. Authors Michelle Medlock Adams, Ramona Richards, and Katherine A. Douglas share devotions especially for women ages 25 to 45, who often struggle with the unrealistic physical demands of today’s culture. With its theme verse of Psalm 139:14 (“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”), this devotional unveils God’s secrets of true beauty, confidence, and happiness for every woman—and the grace that transforms everything around it.

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About the Book

Wonderfully Made offers biblical encouragement about true beauty, confidence, and happiness. Authors Michelle Medlock Adams, Ramona Richards, and Katherine A. Douglas share devotions especially for women ages 25 to 45, who often struggle with the unrealistic physical demands of today’s culture.

Author: Including Michelle Medlock Adams
Tag: For Women
Publisher: Barbour Books
Publication Year: 2012
Format: Paperback and eBook
Length: 224 pages
ASIN: 1620291851
ISBN: 1620291851
List Price: 7.99
eBook Price: 7.99
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