Spring Cleaning in a Hurry: Just Five Minutes a Day Keep the Dust Bunnies Away!

Ahhhh…Spring. Birds singing. Flowers blooming. Trees budding. Mops mopping. Brooms sweeping. Cloths dusting. Yep, you guessed it. Springtime means it’s time for spring cleaning. If you’re already envisioning hours of backbreaking scrubbing in an all-day clean-a-thon—we’ve got good news for you. Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be an all-day affair. In fact, you can spend […]
Get an Attitude of Gratitude

The following article was first published on the More to Life Magazine. Visit their site for more inspiration and encouragement. Thanksgiving may be far behind us, but you don’t have to wait until November to thank God for all His goodness! When my daughters were 3 and 4, it was difficult to find any time […]
“What is America?” Makes the Cut for NYMetroParents

The site NYMetroParents compiled a list of eleven patriotic books for kids to help them celebrate the 4th of July…and I was thrilled to have my board book, What is America?, included in the lineup! Independence Day may be over, but you can still encourage your kids to be patriotic by incorporating What is America? in […]